~The Dark Road~

This will be the page for my story called "The Dark Road" . I'd like to introduce the characters of the story.

  • Annie - 18 years old , Platinum blond hair , dark brown eyes . Likes Suspense.
  • Kimberly- 17 years old , Red hair , light green eyes . Annie's BFF .Enjoys writing poetry .
  • Dave - 20 years old , Annie and Kimberly's friend since 6 th grade . 
  • Old Man - Unknown Age , Annie and Kimberly meet this man while traveling the Dark road.
Chapter 1

 July 6 , 2003 

  Kimberly was sitting under a tree in the hot weather . She was writing a new poem .  Annie

was sitting next to her reading a book named "Night Before Death" . " Are you almost done

with that poem yet Kim ?" Annie said . "Almost !" Kimberly replied. "Finished!" Kimberly

confidently. "Let me read it!" shouted Annie. "Okay , here ".

"The morning bird flies in the summer dawn sky 

It gently floats 

Letting the air  direct the bird's way 

The morning bird chirps as the summer sky is dawn 

It waits for it's company to come 

The morning bird falls down as the summer sky is dawn 

It chirps in pain as both wings are now useless 

The morning bird has died as the summer sky is dawn 

It's company surrounds the morning bird as the summer sky is day "

"That's pretty strange " Annie said , "But I do like it " . "Thank you " Kimberly replies .

The sun begins to set  . "It's getting late , I'll text you ! " Annie says . "Alright " .

July 7 , 2003

Annie's phone begins to ring , Kimberly messaged her .

Kimberly : Hey ! (:

Annie : Hey ,  what are you up to ?

Kimberly : Oh nothing much , I want to ask you something .

Annie: Sure , what is it ?

Kimberly : I was planning if we could go to the beach in Florida .

Annie : We're in Tennessee ! That's like a 3 day trip !

Kimberly: I know but it could be nice to get away from the country and go to the city!

Annie: Yeah you're right , Okay , when do we plan on leaving?

Kimberly: Tomorrow , I have everything planned! Directions , Hotels , Food , etc.

Annie: Alright , see ya then !

Kimberly: K . Bye.

To be continued .